My pilot is home and the baby is wild. What to do?


Our little guy loves running and jumping, and now he loves swinging. It is amazing to watch a toddler learn about the world that surrounds him.

Going down the slide by himself was a huge accomplishment for our little guy.

Jumping off play structures with the understanding that Mom will catch him.

Puddle jumping was a huge success. It took a long time to convince him to do it, but once he did, a bright light shines through. A boy exploring more things in the world. Splashing!

Dandelions, a weed to some, a wish to others. A simple but yet amazing experience for the little ones. Who would have thought that simply blowing a dandelion would have such an impact. A small memory that will last forever.

Our precious little ones need constant reassurance.

He often looks to me to make sure something is okay to look at.

We are their protectors. We are their security.

Play in a pile of leaves.

Let them get messy.

Let them eat dirt.

Let them pick up the simple stick and be in awe.

Things may be simple and dumb to us, but to them, it’s their first time ever seeing, touching, or experiencing it. Let them explore. Show them more to explore.

It is the little things that matter. Don’t let the newest, shiniest thing get in the way of what is important.

They just want to interact with you and see the world around them.

They aren’t little forever. Soon they will grow up and not care about a leaf or a stick.

Hold on to this as long as you can.

I know I sure will.

Pilot Wife Signing Off!

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